As we approach Palm Sunday and the final days of this Lenten season, I thought it was time to share this poem I wrote several years ago…

Can you see Him?

He’s there with that angry mob.

No, he’s not he menacing one.

He’s the peaceful One,

the serene One,

the holy One.

He’s gentle as a lamb.

Can you hear Him?

He won’t shout or demand your ear.

You have to listen very closely.

You have to invite Him in,

out of the fray.

He’s waiting to be asked;

He’s the patient One,

the loving One,

the humble One.

He’s meek as a lamb.

Can you touch Him?

He seems so approachable.

He is waiting to receive you.

And yet you hesitate,

so very many of us do, though.

We make excuses,

we hold back our trust,

our love

our faith

in Him.

How can He be strong?

Lambs aren’t strong.

How can He forgive?

We are so unworthy.

How can He love us at all?

How can He love us this much –

that He is led as a “lamb to the slaughter”

for our sakes?

And yet He does.

Because the King of the Universe,

the Lord of all, is the Lamb of God.

It could not be any other way –

He is our savior, our redeemer, our God.



4 thoughts on “The Lamb

  1. Beautiful Lynda!

    On Wed, Apr 10, 2019, 4:39 PM Drowning in Lemonade wrote:

    > Lynda MacFarland posted: “As we approach Palm Sunday and the final days of > this Lenten season, I thought it was time to share this poem I wrote > several years ago… Can you see Him? He’s there with that angry mob. No, > he’s not he menacing one. He’s the peaceful One, the seren” >


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